wear a genuine fox furcoat at a PETA convention.
Friday, July 01, 2005
About Me
- Name: london cokehead
- Location: London, United Kingdom
Because Justification is an addicts best friend...
Previous Posts
- create a patchwork of chewing gum paper
- use your hair as a mop and your jeans to sweep the...
- Perform a hold up in your local bakery then spend ...
- draw a moustache on the mona lisa and write LHOOQ ...
- repaint the walls of your room with only nail polish
- hide in the toilets of a movie theater and try wat...
- work as a waiter in a healthy restaurant and drizz...
- waste your morning cigaret by lighting it with clo...
- Put salt in your coffee by accident , then spit sa...
- Just forget to go to work ever again !

This seems like it would add a lot more bruises to your life
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