Avoid expensive restaurants by taking a varied selection of sandwiches with you while out on a date ..
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
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- Name: london cokehead
- Location: London, United Kingdom
Because Justification is an addicts best friend...
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even though it sounds oxymoronish, there does exists "gourmet/high class sandwiches"
probably better than salami sandwiches on a date. on a first one at least
Your gourmet sandwich should include humus, sprouts, avocado, roasted red peppers, slices of seitan or marinated tofu, probably some kind of cheese (or cream cheese), loving care, careful stroking, and possibly some kind of real meat, from an over-priced deli or something (though I don't recommend that). Oh yeah, and it should be on some kind of toasted roll-type bread, preferably one that contains cooked-in ingredients visible on the crust.
Sadly, the expensive restaurant could be cheaper. . .
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