count the number of cigarettes you smoke a day, week, month, year, decade and evaluate how much you would've smoked in ten years, and decide to stop smoking when the number reaches 1 million.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
About Me
- Name: london cokehead
- Location: London, United Kingdom
Because Justification is an addicts best friend...
Previous Posts
- count the drops that fall into the sink. then calc...
- (for teenagers)run away from your parents to an is...
- "come on baby... be someone"
- Marry a girl who's had lots of plastic surgery , f...
- Organise a small gig , to help a couple of mates w...
- Who the ..... is leeanne ?????Oh it's you !O well ...
- Do soo many fukin drugs , that you don't even know...
- Invite 30 or so people to comment on a public blo...
- wear a genuine fox furcoat at a PETA convention.
- create a patchwork of chewing gum paper

Oh I'm quarter of the way there !!
i'm at approx. 13 104. I'll have reached 50 000 by age 30.
I make it 128,000 by 32 ...
Fookin hell !!! , thats a lot of tar ?
and enough crappy substances for a bomb no?
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