save money for drugs by giving up rehab. (works for alcohol, of course, you dear deranged addicted lunatic of a reader)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
About Me
- Name: london cokehead
- Location: London, United Kingdom
Because Justification is an addicts best friend...
Previous Posts
- make ashtrays out of soda cans and sell them
- store underwear in icebox
- Try and avoid expensive bus/train fares but purcha...
- Avoid expensive restaurants by taking a varied sel...
- Save time and money at florists by taking a trip t...
- Avoid parking restrictions by buying a tank ..
- read the yellow pages and try imagining a plot for...
- save money by: cutting your hair all by yourself, ...
- read cokehead's ultimate 100s list and try at leas...
- to be famous, don't try a thing.

You can't be an Alcoholic at 19 babe .. !!
not all LAA are based on personal experience, mate .. !!
I am a nice girl, I stick to marlboros.
(though, to answer more thoroughly, I assure you that in france you could be an alcoholic at 14).
(come to think of it, in germany as well)
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